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Holistic Testimonials

“Thanks to your expertise and dedication, Ginger had an additional two years of quality life to share with us. Neither Ginger, nor the extended quality of life you and your Homeopathic Medicine gave her will be forgotten.” – The Griffin Family

“Homeopathy has made my asthmatic cat healthy and active! Before his homeopathic treatment with Dr. Sthamann, I was taking him almost every month for steroid shots plus medication for the fluid build up around his heart and in his lungs. He has been asthma free since his first remedy two years ago.” – Budinski Family

“Winnie was about 15 months when we took her to visit Dr. Sthamann. Homeopathy did work for Winnie. She has not had a skin problem since and she has a coat to die for. I hate to think of what she would look like had we no taken the chance and given homeopathy a chance.”

“Blaze had a chronic ear infection and she also chewed on her foot pads and in between her toes. Within two months [of homeopathic treatment], the chewing on the feet stopped altogether and has never returned.”