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Managing Anxiety


Zylkene is a capsule containing flavoured powder that is given once daily. It can either be sprinkled on food or given intact as a pill. Zylkene contains alpha-S1 tryptic casein, which is made from milk protein. It is suitable for both short-term and long term use, but it works best if given for at least a few days prior to stressful event.

Tromos (Rescue Remedy)

Tromos (Rescue Remedy) is a remedy made from 5 wildflowers. Once diluted, it can be given by mouth of spritzed neat the face with a spray bottle until the pet is relaxed. It can also be added to the pet’s water bowl. Tromos can be used short or long-term.  More information below…


Lavender essential oils can provide a calming effect. Apply a few drops to a bandana. Be sure to use good quality essential oils and avoid ingestion. Use with caution around cats.


Feliway ( for cats) is a synthetic feline pheromone that has been shown to decrease stress. It is available as a spray and a plug-in diffuser. It is effective for both short and long-term use.


Adaptil (for dogs) mimics the pheromones a puppy’s mother emits, which provides a calming effect. Adaptil works best for puppies and younger dogs, but ca be used for older dogs as well. nit is available as a plug in diffuser, a spray,or a collar. It is effective for both short and long term use.


Thundershirt is a special shirt designed to apply a constant  gentle pressure, providing a calming effect. It works both in short-term and long-term situations.

Prescription Medications

Prescription Medications are occasionally prescribed for anxiety as well. Depending on the situation, some types are given long-term and some are intended to be given short-term.

The indoor pet initiative is a wonderful online resource. providing tips for environmental modifications that can help with anxiety and stress relief.

Regardless of the situation behavior modification (training) is usually vital to the success of managing anxiety. Our staff can assist with your specific case and can provide recommendations.

Tromos (Rescue Remedy) More Information from Dr. Sthamann

Put 8 to 10 drops into 1/4 cup of bottled water. Instill a few drops of this solution into your pet’s mouth. Do this as frequently as needed until your pet is calm and relaxed.

If it is difficult to dose your pet in the mouth, consider this alternative: Make up the diluted solution in a spritzer water bottle. Gently mist over your pet’s head frequently to dose. The mist will settle over your pet’s face and absorb into the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. Be sure not to startle or frighten  your pet — you don’t need to spray it directly into the face —point the nozzle upward over their head instead.

Thunderstorms — Put 8 to 10 drops into your pet’s water dish so that each time he/she drinks, your pet will get a small dose. Also, make up the diluted solution as described above and give several doses per day over the entire thunderstorm season. In anticipation of a thunderstorm — give a dose of the diluted solution (or directly from the stock bottle) as many times as are needed over the minutes and hours the storm lasts, until your pet calms down.

Remember — there is never a danger of overdosing with this product. It is very safe our pet or your child could drink the whole bottle at once, and there would be no toxicity. But to be effective, multiple small doses are more helpful than one or two larger doses,

When given enough doses to effect — i.e. until you see a response, most pets should respond to Tromos, Failure to respond usually occurs when not enough doses are given. If after giving as instructed, there is still no response, let us known There are other Bach flower remedies that can be tried, or if the anxiety is severe, more potent homeopathic treatment can be prescribed by Dr. Sthamann.

Recently, one of her families fried applying peppermint oil to the pads of the feet to alleviate anxiety during storms. This is safe to Let Dr. Sthamann know if you find success.

Tromos can be purchased at Old Fashioned Foods.