Zylkene is a capsule containing flavoured powder that is given once daily. It can either be sprinkled on food or given intact as a pill. Zylkene contains alpha-S1 tryptic casein, which is made from milk protein. It is suitable for both short-term and long term use, but it works best if given for at least a few days prior to stressful event.
Tromos (Rescue Remedy)
Tromos (Rescue Remedy) is a remedy made from 5 wildflowers. Once diluted, it can be given by mouth of spritzed neat the face with a spray bottle until the pet is relaxed. It can also be added to the pet’s water bowl. Tromos can be used short or long-term. More information below…
Lavender essential oils can provide a calming effect. Apply a few drops to a bandana. Be sure to use good quality essential oils and avoid ingestion. Use with caution around cats.
Feliway ( for cats) is a synthetic feline pheromone that has been shown to decrease stress. It is available as a spray and a plug-in diffuser. It is effective for both short and long-term use.
Adaptil (for dogs) mimics the pheromones a puppy’s mother emits, which provides a calming effect. Adaptil works best for puppies and younger dogs, but ca be used for older dogs as well. nit is available as a plug in diffuser, a spray,or a collar. It is effective for both short and long term use.
Thundershirt is a special shirt designed to apply a constant gentle pressure, providing a calming effect. It works both in short-term and long-term situations.
Prescription Medications
Prescription Medications are occasionally prescribed for anxiety as well. Depending on the situation, some types are given long-term and some are intended to be given short-term.